The alternative beauty blog
In an attempt to meditate daily for a whole month I will be posting a picture of myself meditating in a different place every day.
Since I am still recovering from a broken foot, I am doing a lot of sitting at the moment, so I figured I might as well make good use of it!
The philosophy behind the #altbeautyblog (as you can probably guess from the title!) is to offer a different kind of beauty blog to the dominant fashion/lifestyle/beauty blog that focus on outer beauty and buying stuff to make yourself feel beautiful.
#altbeautyblog is about cultivating inner beauty and wellbeing. It's radical because it is free! And it shifts the focus inwards...
As I go to Paris this Saturday, and then on to Canada, this project could include some interesting locations!
Follow me on instagram: meditatingmidwife #altbeautyblog
I will be also be posting daily meditations and pics on my website here
Anyone who wants to join in you are very welcome! Please hashtag #altbeautyblog or #meditatingmidwife on Facebook/Instagram! (alternatively if you don't have either of those just email me your pic!)
Thanks! ENJOY!