Pre-NightShift meditation : #altbeautyblog Day 26

Birth Centre, Homerton Hospital, London



Last night I was feeling remarkably fresh for a nightshift!

I looked after a lovely couple who were hypnobirthing during labour - it is always such a pleasure to see hypnobirthing in action! And the woman's partner was so supportive with his wife's hypnobirthing techniques! I was mega impressed! He had the whole "long breaths, relaxed jaw,"  "feeling grounded, feeling relaxed" patter down to a T!

I have been doing my daily meditations for almost a month now! And I have really noticed a big change in my mood and motivation since doing them!  Having committed to a whole month of daily meditations, as well as the daily pictures, has really kept me inspired and motivated. 

I've also been AMAZED by the amount of people who've started conversations with me about my practice, as a result of the  #altbeautyblog, and/or have expressed an interest to start meditation/mindfulness!

I've had tonnes of emails, support and ideas/inspiration from friends and also lots of people wanting tips on how to get started!  Last night I even had one of the Band 7 midwives (senior Midwives in charge) asking me about how to get started with meditation and how it can help with relaxation, and calming a busy mind!  Some of the other midwives also added meditation apps to their phone as a result of overhearing this conversation!

Good news travels fast! I'm so glad that my daily meditations are having a ripple effect!   I've really enjoyed doing them and am even more glad that it's having a positive effect on others as well as me! 

Hash Tag ZEN!